
Showing posts from April, 2019

» Op/Ed: Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

» Op/Ed: Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste : I imagine if you are reading this, we share something in common--the love of horses and horse racing. Like me, you may even make your living and provide for family by working in this industry. …

The Whip: Other's Opinions: Mark Casse from TDN

From Mark Casse, a horseman much more knowledgeable than me: » Letter to the Editor: Mark Casse : THE WHIP As a trainer for nearly 40 years and being foaled instead of born, I have seen many changes in our sport, both good and bad, but to the best of my memory, I have … Comments

Winter is Coming: Regulating the Whip

" No sport that unnecessarily whips animals will survive the 21st Century. And it shouldn't " --Will Brewer- Father o' Cats, Lord of the Man Cave, Keeper of the Roku. INTRODUCTION Most of you are currently rolling your eyes. Maybe you will stop reading this immediately. Don't. Try to allow for another view point. I will certainly listen to yours. Try to imagine 10 to 20 years down the line and what people's views on animals will be then. I've been in love with horse racing for 30 years. In that time I've changed my views on many things. I still learn something new about our wonderful sport every day. I know 5% of what I want to know about our industry. The challenge and the unlimited amount of knowledge that can be gained from our sport is what keeps me working and thinking about it every day.  Because I am still learning, I challenge my opinions on things. However, I am confident in one thing: If we want to survive, we have to make serious...

John Sikura Discussion

Excellent Interview with John Sikura about the state of our industry. Listen starting at minute 19 if you want to hear about the Curlin colt he sold. Listen at minute 41 if you want to hear a really really good perspective on the state of our industry and where we go from here. Click on the link below, press play and you can jump to minute 41. It's so easy even Jody can do it and she can't change her own batteries in a smoke detector